Ted Nugent’s wife, Shemane Nugent recently took to Instagram to warn her followers about the ‘poison in the air.’ In a video clip, the ‘Killer House’ director claimed (via Rock Celebrities):
“Guys, something nefarious is happening, and I don’t know why; I don’t know what the endgame is, I can’t imagine, but if you had been feeling a little bit off, like maybe even dizzy or you just don’t feel 100% anymore, they’re poisoning us. They’re poisoning the air and our food source and our water.”
Shemane recently reckoned certain products for better health to her followers:
“You’ve got to boost your health, boost your immune system. I don’t want this to be a commercial about my sponsors, but I do take care to select good sponsors. Switch To America With Shemane if you want grass-fed beef that’s not fed up with chemicals and steroids. I’m proud that I’m a hunter now more than ever, but if you can’t hunt, you need to Switch To America With Shemane, also Sentry H20, also sperogear.com to protect yourself from 5G.”
With more advice, she added:
“You know 5G doesn’t do anything to help your cell signal, right? They’re trying to kill us, and you need to do everything you can to be cautious about the food and water that you put into your body but also to protect your immune system. Support your immune system. I did a cold plunge this morning. I didn’t love it, but I do feel better. Exercise, eat right, meditate, and pray every day. Happy Sunday, guys! God bless you. Stay safe.”
Repeating her suggestions to improve health and immune system, she went on:
“Do everything you can to boost your immune system. Try to eat organic, healthy food. Drink clean water (Sentry H20 code healthy10), exercise, and pray. Protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation with sperogear.com. Code: faith. For clean grass-fed beef, go to switchtoamericawithshemane.com.”