Mandatory Credit: Photo by Andre Csillag/REX/Shutterstock (458762en) Kiss, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley in London, Britain - May 1976 VARIOUS

Metal Legend Will Believe KISS Retired ‘When I See Them In Coffins’

Dee Snider, the former frontman of Twisted Sister, has expressed skepticism about the retirement claims of Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley from KISS. Snider, a longtime KISS fan, revealed that he won’t believe in their retirement until he sees “the bodies in KISS coffins.” The comment reflects his doubt about the finality of farewell tours in the music industry.

KISS recently concluded their “End of the Road” farewell tour, signaling the official retirement of Simmons and Stanley. However, farewell tours have often been met with skepticism in the music world, with artists occasionally returning to the stage despite announcing retirement.

“I’m a day one KISS fan. Day one. I was living on Long Island in Nassau County. They were in Queens. I heard about this band that was wearing makeup. They were coming out with their first album. And I was, like, all about it, called KISS. Man, I snapped that thing up, and I had the first seven albums.”

“But the idea of the farewell tour, I don’t know what to believe. And people say, ‘Well, do you think it’s for real?’ I said, ‘This is what I know: when I see the bodies in the KISS coffins, then I’ll say, ‘They’re done. They’re done.’ When they’re laying there in the coffins, I’ll say, ‘Good work. Good job.'”

In an interview with “The Metal Voice,” Snider, who has been critical of farewell tours as marketing strategies in the past, discussed his perspective on KISS’s retirement. He emphasized his loyalty to the band since its early days but expressed uncertainty about the authenticity of their retirement.

Snider stated, “When I see the bodies in the KISS coffins, then I’ll say, ‘They’re done. They’re done.’ When they’re laying there in the coffins, I’ll say, ‘Good work. Good job.'” The remark playfully suggests that Snider will only believe in KISS’s retirement once he witnesses irrefutable evidence.

Addressing the concept of digital avatars and holographic performances, Snider commented on the unpredictable nature of what fans might be willing to pay for. He cited examples like the Michael Jackson hologram and the ongoing success of similar shows in Las Vegas, highlighting the potential for unconventional performances in the future.

Dee Snider’s stance on farewell tours reflects a broader conversation within the music industry about the authenticity of retirement claims and the evolving nature of live performances, including the use of digital avatars and holograms.

“Oh my god. People, who knows what they’ll pay money to see? They’re paying money to see a Michael Jackson avatar, [an alleged] pedophile. In Las Vegas, the show ‘One’, it’s still a hologram and they’re doing all his hits. And it’s been up and running for years. So who knows? Maybe, maybe.”

People get upset when I say that. ‘You’re mocking Scorpions, KISS, Mötley, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.’ Yeah, okay, but I didn’t tell you to retire! As a matter of fact, you don’t have to. Your fans don’t want you to. Stay forever!”


About Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer. Subhojeet has reported for Alternative Nation, Ringside News, and Britpopnews.

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