David Ellefson On Lars Ulrich: ‘He’s the Peter Criss of Metallica’

Over the years, Metallica’s Lars Ulrich has faced criticism regarding his drumming skills, often becoming the subject of YouTube compilations highlighting perceived fails. However, his songwriting contributions to Metallica’s iconic tracks have been widely recognized. Former Megadeth bassist David Ellefson recently expressed his admiration for Ulrich’s drumming during an interview on the Three Sides of Coin Podcast.

Ellefson shared a moment of realization during a backstage jam in Bulgaria before a Big 4 performance, where members of Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax joined in. Lars Ulrich jokingly remarked, “Oh shit… I’m the worst drummer in the room!” Ellefson, however, disagreed and had an “eureka moment,” stating, “I would argue, ‘No, you’re the best drummer in the room.'”

The ex-Megadeth bassist, who appreciates Ulrich’s role as a “parts guy” rather than focusing on technical proficiency, drew a comparison to Peter Criss, the drummer for Kiss. Ellefson sees similarities in their approach to drumming, emphasizing the ability to compose songs through drumming, a unique quality in the metal genre.

“He writes songs within his drumming. And I was watching him, and I’m going, ‘He is the Peter Criss of Metallica.’ Because Peter, when you hear that drum solo, dude, that drum solo on Kiss ‘Alive!’ [in the middle of their rendition of ‘100,000 Years’] is like, unequaled.”

Ellefson emphasized that Ulrich’s skill lies in composing songs from behind the drum kit, a rare and significant contribution to the world of metal. He praised Ulrich’s ability to keep performances exciting and noted that Ulrich, like Peter Criss, prioritizes audience engagement during drum solos.

About Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer. Subhojeet has reported for Alternative Nation, Ringside News, and Britpopnews.

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