Brent Smith Had Restroom Encounter With Robert Plant

In a recent interview with Q104.3’s “Out Of The Box With Jonathan Clarke,” Shinedown frontman Brent Smith shared a memorable encounter with one of his rock idols, Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin. The incident occurred at S.I.R. studios in Nashville around 2007 during the rehearsal for Shinedowns “Anything And Everything” tour.

Smith recalled the moment when he encountered Robert Plant in the restroom at S.I.R. studios. He described Plant as a “very large individual” and shared how surreal it was for him to be in such close proximity to the iconic singer. Later in the day, Smith and his bandmate, guitarist Zach Myers, overheard bluegrass versions of Led Zeppelin songs being played in a neighboring studio, connecting the dots to Plant’s presence.

The story continued with Smith explaining that after the restroom encounter, he saw Plant walking down the hallway. Despite typically avoiding asking for photos with celebrities, Smith couldn’t resist this opportunity. He approached Plant and politely asked if he and his friend could take a picture with him. Plant graciously agreed, and they had a brief conversation before he returned to his rehearsal room.

The anecdote highlights the excitement and awe that musicians like Brent Smith can experience when encountering their musical idols, showcasing a moment of genuine fan appreciation.

“Out Of The Box With Jonathan Clarke”, Shinedown frontman Brent Smith was asked to recount a memorable tale involving one of his rock and roll idols. He said: “We were in S.I.R. [studios in Nashville] during what would become the ‘[Somewhere In The] Stratosphere’ record. There were two parts to that. There was the ‘Anything And Everything’ tour, which was like a storytellers tour, and then there was like the plugged in side of things. So when we were rehearsing at S.I.R. in Nashville [around 2007] for ‘Anything And Everything’, which was acoustic, I went to the restroom and I’m in the restroom and somebody walked in and they were right next to the urinal next to me. This was a very large individual. It was like a tractor beam. I had to turn to my right and kind of look and it was [Led Zeppelin singer] Robert Plant. And so I did my business, washed my hands and left. Zach [Myers, Shinedown guitarist] is coming down the hallway and I’m, like, ‘Dude, Robert Plant is in the bathroom.’ And he’s, like, ‘Shut up.'”

Brent continued: “What was funny about this also, too, is earlier in the day we came into S.I.R., and whoever was practicing next to us — ’cause all the rooms are soundproof. But if you go outside your room in the hallway, you could kind of hear what’s going on. So there no vocal going on — no one was singing — but they were playing bluegrass versions of Led Zeppelin songs. And this is when [Plant] was doing the work with Alison Krauss. And so I was, like, ‘Man, whoever is in there, those are Led Zeppelin songs. They’re just… They’re doing it in a bluegrass style.’ So it made sense that he was there. This was also the era of the flip phone. There was no iPhone yet or Androids or even Blackberries. So he comes out, and I never asked for photos with anyone. And he walks out. And when I say he is a large man, he is tall, man. He’s, like, six [feet] and] six [inches tall] or six [feet and] seven [inches]. He’s a big dude. He came out, and literally, as he walked out, I said, ‘Mr. Plant, could me and my friend get a picture with you?’ And without hesitation, he was, like, ‘Absolutely.’ He was the sweetest guy. And we talked for like a quick second, and then he went back into his room.”

About Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer. Subhojeet has reported for Alternative Nation, Ringside News, and Britpopnews.

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