Dustin Schumacher

Dustin is a reporter for Desperate Times that loves all forms of music ranging from Disco to Grunge to Hardcore to Rap and Pop music. DJ is also a musician. Dustin's hobbies include bodybuilding, fashion, fragrances, and watching professional wrestling. His favorite band is Alice In Chains. Dustin has reported for Alternative Nation, Britpopnews, and Wrestling-Edge. You can contact us at Desperate Times at grungereport @yahoo.com

Linkin Park Were Created Like Backstreet Boys

The rule of thumb when it comes to rock fans is that you shouldn’t like pop music. You should only like nasty riffs, raging against the system, and not liking anything polished. Pop music has gotten a bad reputation for many years, most notably in eras following the 1990’s and spanning to now. You’ll hear many people talk about how …

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Grunge Return Is Coming After Machine Gun Kelly

The cycle of music is something that is pretty hard to point out where it switches. The only real indicator of how music will sound next is if a big artist from another genre goes out and does something else in another genre. Typically, this kicks off a “new” sound. For the last few years, Rap, Trap Rap, and Pop …

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